(210) 570-4891
Contact Us
We only communicate via text message and do not answer phone calls or return voicemails. For the fastest response, please text 210-570-4891.
Availability is based on pre-existing routing/schedule due to recurring appointments. We offer "latch key" services for those clients who are not available on the days we will be in the area.
Please fill out our new client application upon contact and text us when you have completed the application so that we can get you scheduled.
DISCLAIMER: Our staff. including the owners, are dedicated in responding as soon as we are able. We typically do not take more than 24 hours to respond however everyone on the team that assists in scheduling is also a pet groomer, so during the day responses will be heavily limited as we are working with our four-legged friends with no distraction.
This sometimes means we respond to text messages hours later or at odd hours of the night.
We do not expect an immediate response during these after-hours text messages, but we do want to make sure we get in touch with you. Thank you for your understanding and patience!
(210) 570-4891